Survivor of APS Tragedy, Ahmed Nawaz, Awarded King Charles British Empire Medal

Ahmed Nawaz, who survived the APS tragedy, has been awarded the King Charles British Empire Medal.

In an interview with Geo News, Ahmed Nawaz shared that he received the British Empire Medal from King Charles. He stated that this medal is a source of pride for the families of APS martyrs, survivors, and fellow countrymen.

Ahmed Nawaz explained that the award was given in recognition of his efforts over the past five years in running campaigns for youth worldwide. He emphasized that the medal represents the defeat of the terrorists who attacked education in the APS incident.

Ahmed Nawaz’s father, Muhammad Nawaz, also spoke with Geo News, stating that his priority has always been to invest in his children. He noted that his investment in his children, particularly Ahmed Nawaz, has brought honor to both himself and the nation.

Muhammad Nawaz further advised all parents to invest in their children rather than expanding businesses, suggesting that children have the potential to bring about societal change in the future.

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