Pakistani Student Severely Injured in Hit-and-Run by Reckless Driver in the U.S., Driver Fled

In Houston, Texas, a reckless driver hit and severely injured a Pakistani student before fleeing the scene.

The student, Daniya Zaheer, suffered multiple fractures in six different bones due to the accident. She is set to undergo a major surgery today at a hospital in Houston.

Speaking about the incident, the injured student said that the driver did not even stop to check if she was alive or dead, and the accident shattered all her dreams.

Daniya Zaheer, 25, hails from Karachi and is an MBA student, recognized as one of the brightest students at her university.

Pakistan’s Consul General in Houston, Aftab Chaudhry, former federal minister Babar Ghauri, and others visited the hospital to check on her and offer their support, stating that all American Pakistanis stand with her during this difficult time.

Meanwhile, the driver responsible for the hit-and-run incident has not yet been arrested.

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