Pakistan: Lahore Woman Becomes a Pillar of Strength Against Poverty and Unemployment

Web Desk, September 11, 2024

A 40-year-old woman from Badami Bagh, Lahore, has become a role model for women troubled by poverty and unemployment.

Kalsoom Gulzar not only supports her six sisters through motorcycle riding but also teaches other unemployed women how to ride motorcycles to earn a respectable income.

Kalsoom Gulzar has become a pillar of strength against poverty and unemployment, earning a respectable livelihood through online motorcycle riding, and she helps women reach their destinations through her services.

Women who ride motorcycles say that Kalsoom is a role model for women like them.

Determined Kalsoom Gulzar serves as an inspiration for those disheartened by economic conditions, showing them that there is hope beyond despair.

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