Major Power Outage Causes Complete Shutdown of Dhabeji Pumping Station Grid

A major power outage has led to a complete shutdown of the grid station at the Dhabeji Pumping Station.

Power at the Dhabeji Pumping Station was cut off at 11:30 AM today.

A spokesperson for the Water Corporation stated that the power outage caused a complete shutdown of the pumping grid station, leading to a temporary suspension of water supply to the city.

According to the spokesperson, the outage resulted in water back pressure causing the rupture of the 72-inch Line No. 5 and 72-inch Line No. 1.

The Water Corporation had previously urged citizens to use water cautiously.

However, there has been another sudden major power outage at the Dhabeji Pumping Station, leading to a complete halt of all pumping operations.

The spokesperson reported that the latest power outage occurred at 8:10 PM.

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