Kite Flying, Kite Making, and Transportation Declared Non-Bailable Offenses in Punjab

In Punjab, kite flying, kite making, and their transportation have been declared non-bailable offenses.

According to a spokesperson for the Punjab Home Department, the production, use, and transportation of kites, metallic threads, wires, strings, and manjha (coated kite string) have been criminalized.

The spokesperson mentioned that the Punjab Cabinet has approved significant amendments to the Kite Flying Prohibition Act of 2007. A person caught kite flying will face 3 to 5 years in prison, a fine of 2 million rupees, or both, while failure to pay the fine could result in an additional year in prison.

Additionally, kite makers and transporters will face 5 to 7 years in prison, a fine of 5 million rupees, or both. Non-payment of fines by kite makers and transporters could lead to an additional 2 years in prison. Children caught kite flying will receive a warning on the first offense and a 50,000-rupee fine on the second offense.

According to the spokesperson, a child caught for the third time will face a 100,000-rupee fine, which will be collected from their parents or guardians if the child is unable to pay. On the fourth offense, the child will be subject to penalties under the Juvenile Justice System Act of 2018 and may face imprisonment.

The spokesperson emphasized that measures to prevent this dangerous activity are essential for protecting human lives, and the increase in penalties and fines is intended to discourage this hazardous practice.

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