Taj Mahal’s roof starts leaking after three consecutive days of rain

After three consecutive days of rain in Agra, India, the roof of the Taj Mahal has started leaking.  

According to Indian media, rainwater has begun seeping through the roof of the famous historical site, the Taj Mahal, while rainwater has also accumulated in the garden adjacent to the monument.

An officer from the Archaeological Survey of India (Agra Circle) confirmed that due to the continuous rain over the past three days, water has started dripping from the main dome of the Taj Mahal. However, the dome itself has not been damaged.

He mentioned that the affected dome has been inspected using drone cameras, and the leakage is due to seepage; there is no structural damage to the dome.

According to Indian media, repairs to the tomb and drainage of the water from the garden will be carried out as soon as the rain stops.

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