Smart Mask Developed to Diagnose Diseases Through Breath Analysis

Scientists have developed a smart mask capable of diagnosing various diseases by analyzing the wearer’s breath.

Experts anticipate that this smart mask will transmit data via Bluetooth to an app, aiding in the prompt diagnosis of diseases.

The mask has been developed by experts at the California Institute of Technology in the U.S.

The technology uses different sensors to diagnose various diseases. For example, the mask will monitor kidney health, as well as inflammation of the respiratory tract and asthma.

Current breath-based diagnostic technologies face numerous challenges and often require laboratory analysis of samples. In contrast, the new mask, called EB Care, includes a device that can monitor health through the breath.

Researchers have employed a two-point strategy for breath diagnostics. The EB Care device is made from materials that efficiently release heat, and it contains a hydrogel that cools through the natural process of water vaporization.

Sensors within the mask detect various elements in the breath and check their levels. The breath is then directed to the hydrogel, which provides details based on the water vapor.

The smart mask has been tested on healthy individuals as well as those with asthma and lung diseases. Results show that the mask tracks changes in elements present in the breath and identifies issues accordingly.

Experts claim that the mask can also diagnose kidney problems by detecting the amount of nitrate in the breath. It can be worn during daily activities, continuously collecting real-time data, which reduces the need for visits to doctors.

The device is also reported to be very affordable and reusable.

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