Significant Reshuffling in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Cabinet, More Changes Expected

There have been significant reshuffles in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa cabinet.

Ehtesham Ali has been appointed as the Health Advisor, while the health portfolio has been taken from Minister Qasim Ali Shah, who has now been assigned the Social Welfare Department.

Meanwhile, Pir Masoor Ghazi has been appointed as Special Assistant for Climate Change, Suhail Afridi as Special Assistant for C&W (Communication and Works), and Naik Muhammad as Special Assistant for Relief.

Sources within the KP government indicate that more changes in the cabinet are also expected.

On the other hand, due to emerging conflicts within PTI Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur has removed assembly members Atif Khan and Sher Ali Arbab from their party positions. Atif Khan was the President of PTI Peshawar Region, and Sher Ali Arbab was the President of PTI District Peshawar.

Arbab Asim has been appointed as the new President of PTI Peshawar Region, while Irfan Saleem has been appointed as President of PTI District Peshawar and Shahab Advocate as General Secretary.

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